Virtual Instructor-led Course
The LPOV live virtual course is a facilitated learning experience of three 2-hour sessions followed by a peer and facilitator coaching call.
Prework: LAUNCH — Engaging prework assignments that explain key LPOV concepts
Session 1:
- Leadership Point of View Presentation — Outlines the purpose of LPOV. Allows participants to experience an LPOV presentation given by a senior leader.
- Key People and Events — Provides an initial exploration of key people and events through sharing a life story timeline with a learning partner and outlining their story.
- Values — Guides participants in identifying values and descriptors.
Session 2
- Key People and Events — Allows participants to share their key people and events story and then receive feedback from a learning partner.
- Values — Recaps the work participants have done on their values. Makes the connection from key people and key events to leadership values.
- Expectations for Self and Others — Explores line-of-sight connections between key people and events, values, and expectations for self and others.
- Leadership Point of View Presentation — Provides an opportunity for participants to experience an LPOV presentation given by a senior leader.
Session 3: Share a draft presentation of their Leadership Point of View. Receive tips for finalizing their written Leadership Point of View.
Post Work: Triad Coaching Call
Individual Coaching Experience
LPOV can be delivered as a one-on-one coaching process that includes an orientation meeting (in person or virtual) followed by a minimum of four one-on-one coaching sessions scheduled over three to six weeks. It coaches a senior-level manager, one-on-one, to create their LPOV in preparation for them to present it as a demonstration to a group of leaders from their organization attending a cohort learning experience.
This format is ideal for professionals in highly visible roles or who wish to set an example that colleagues can follow.