Digital & Virtual Learning Experiences

Transform and extend the learning experience

Today’s learners are accustomed to instantaneous access to information and want their learning available on demand to address their immediate needs. Using award-winning technology, Blanchard offers a variety of digital programs and tools that allow you to deliver our world-class leadership training in a flexible, self-paced format that’s available when and where your learners need it.

With our online experiences, you have the ability to deliver valuable leadership training to all parts of your organization. It’s the perfect solution for a geographically dispersed workforce, frontline employees with limited time, and the new generation of digital natives.

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An Uncommon Approach to Leadership Training
Proven Content that Works

All Blanchard content is based on the latest academic research and is thoroughly tested in client pilot sessions.

Human Connection

Blended experiences combine online courses with live moderated sessions to spur interaction, collaboration, and accountability.

Designed for the Learner

Create engaging learning journeys that are meaningful and inspiring to different learner groups in your organization.

How We Engage Learners

Modular Learning

Microlearning and practical tools for immediate use

Learn and Try It Out

Learn a little, then apply it to real work


Learners access content when it’s convenient for them


Learn from each other during live debrief sessions


Ensures learners discover, reflect, and refine

Curated Resources

Playlists provide essential knowledge in the moment of need

Online programs to fit learners’ needs

Our world-class leadership training programs are available in a range of flexible, self-paced formats, letting participants learn and practice new skills when they have the time. They’re powered by award-winning technology, ensuring an engaging experience to support your learning goals.

Long-Form Programs – one to three hoursCourses that include multiple modules with optional live virtual debrief sessions providing a full online experience with learning and practice. They include bit-sized modules with fun, engaging activities, including videos, games, and case studies.

Short-Form Programs – 35 minutesSummaries that provide a basic understanding of a topic and convey the most important ideas. They set learners up to be ready to learn more later.

Microlearns – one to five minutesMicrolearning videos, activities, and downloadable tools that provide just-in-time assistance and quick tips that people can use in the flow of work.

Collaborative online experiences to unleash your team’s potential

A blend of asynchronous learning and live weekly sessions led by Blanchard expert facilitators and moderators, Collaborative Online Experiences allow participants to learn from their colleagues and practice skills in a safe setting. Cohort-based classes take place over several weeks and blend self-directed learning on a state-of-the-art platform that inspires interactivity with discussions, exercises, reflection, and offline assignments.

SLII Collaborative Online
Empowers leaders to manage and connect with their people

Self Leadership Collaborative Online
Immersive and interactive experience of our Self Leadership program

Conversational Capacity Collaborative Online
Learning journey that teaches how to engage in constructive, learning-focused dialogue

Student Self Leadership Collaborative Online
Teaches high schoolers how to ask for help and feedback to take charge of their goals in life.

Seamless integration with popular learning platforms

As a provider on top learning experience platforms, including Degreed, OpenSesame, and MindTickle, our content can be quickly and seamlessly added to your organization’s learning journeys.

Blanchard for Degreed features more than 600 online training modules, including SLII®, as well as videos, podcasts, articles, and practical tools. It is available in a variety of free and enterprise bundles.

Blanchard for OpenSesame includes our premier digital assets, easily accessed by employees looking for just-in-time leadership content.

Blanchard for MindTickle includes our Leader of Others and Leader of Self learning journeys, perfect for sales professionals and managers to learn a common language of leadership and performance.

Additional Digital Learning Experiences

Blanchard has a wide range of digital services, custom solutions, and sustainment tools to meet your needs.

Digital Learning Journeys
Learning Experience Platforms
Reinforcement and Sustainment
Let’s discuss your online leadership development needs

Blanchard’s digital learning experiences are flexible, self-paced, and scalable allowing you to deliver world-class leadership training across your organization.

The combination of self-study online learning combined with virtual coaching sessions provided a great method for developing the skills of our leaders who are geographically dispersed.

April Miller – Amergent Hospitality Group
Related Resources


Designing Effective Learning Experiences for a Hybrid Work Environment

Learn strategies for dealing with learning design challenges when people are fatigued with virtual life, balancing priorities, and constantly multitasking.


Evaluating Digital Leadership Training Programs

Digital design expert Britney Cole shares a seven-point checklist for evaluating new programs and the key players and programs to look for.

Client Story

H&M Group

Using digital learning to develop leaders at different levels in their careers.


Making the Most of Your Company’s Digital Learning Content

Vicki Halsey, author of Brilliance by Design, helps learners move past overwhelm and approach digital learning content more intentionally.