In today’s agile business environments, teams are brought together to achieve a common goal quickly—often without being part of the same reporting structure or even having the same level of experience. As leaders respond to opportunities and challenges in the marketplace, team members may fluidly move in and out of their roles, disrupting the team’s momentum, and requiring a reevaluation of roles and responsibilities. It’s critical for team leaders to orient team members to the team’s goal and communicate clear responsibilities and the road map to get there. Without this clarity and a shared vision of success, a group of high-performing individuals may not become a high-performance team.

Leaders must deliver consistent business results no matter how their team composition—or business goals—may change. Today’s high-performing team may stumble after losing a key team member or introducing multiple unknown new members. At Blanchard, we help team leaders develop the skills they need to build high-performance teams that have the agility and clarity to meet their goals, even as team composition changes. Our team leadership programs teach leaders how to hone strong decision-making and conflict-resolution skills and provide frameworks for communicating the team’s vision and resolving conflicts.

Great teams need more than just a supportive leader—they need engaged team members with access to the tools and resources to build collaborative working relationships. At Blanchard, we understand the importance of creating a diverse and inclusive team environment where everyone has what they need to thrive.
Team leaders must focus on attaining business results even as they address predictable challenges as people join and leave the group. Blanchard’s programs and resources prepare leaders for success at every stage of team development. Our proven content helps team leaders anticipate common challenges and communicate a clear vision—including each person’s role in attaining it. We use the latest team management research and our four decades of leadership development experience to empower leaders to sustain team performance.