SLII Powering Inspired Leaders™

Create success with a situational approach to leadership

SLII®, the most widely used leadership training program in the world, teaches leaders how to build meaningful connections with coworkers that create exponential impact. When this happens, employees are more productive and engaged. And their organizations excel.

SLII is far more than a powerful leadership training program. It delivers exceptional ROI across the enterprise.

Proven, time-tested leadership model

SLII is an easy-to-understand, practical framework that enables your managers to diagnose the development level of an employee for a task: D1 – Enthusiastic Beginner; D2 – Disillusioned Learner; D3 – Capable, but Cautious Contributor; and D4 – Self-Reliant Achiever. Managers then use the appropriate directive and supportive behaviors to help them succeed: S1 – Directing; S2 – Coaching; S3 – Supporting; and S4 – Delegating.

Our award-winning learning design, The SLII Experience™, incorporates Blanchard’s latest research and state-of-the-art design theory. This creates a learning experience that allows for quick mastery of the methodology and enables managers to help their direct reports soar to new professional heights.

Delivery Options to Meet Your Needs

With hundreds of certified facilitators around the world, we can deliver The SLII Experience™ to your managers in-person or virtually, or we can train your trainers to deliver the course through public or private Training for Trainers courses.

SLII can also be part of a learning journey, delivered in a self-directed online course, or a moderated online version so your managers learn the methodology wherever they are and whenever they have time.

2 Day Instructor-led Course

The SLII in person experience is a 2-day, 8 hours per day curriculum that uses a four-part learning path to ensure participants master the content and become situational leaders. The live in-person training provides the fullest content and the richest opportunities to practice new behaviors.

LAUNCH—Engaging prework assignments, including an assessment, expedite the learning and help participants internalize the content to frame their thinking prior to class.

LEARN—Activities teach leaders the skills and language to lead situationally and offer opportunities for direct participant interaction. (Seven hours including 45-minute lunch break)

PRACTICE—Leaders develop their new skills and practice their SLII vocabulary in activities based on personal work challenges. They learn how to match their leadership style and practice SLII conversations. (Nine hours including 45-minute lunch break)

APPLY—Tools and resources accessible after the sessions to help participants strengthen and sustain their skills in SLII.

1 Day Instructor-led Course

The SLII in-person one-day experience is an eight-hour, more condensed curriculum using the same four-part learning path.

LAUNCH—Participants complete engaging prework assignments, including an assessment, to expedite the learning and frame their thinking to real-world challenges.

LEARN—Activities teach leaders the skills and language to lead situationally.

PRACTICE—Activities based on personal work challenges develop new skills.

APPLY—Tools and resources accessible after the sessions to help participants strengthen and sustain their skills in SLII.

Virtual Instructor-led Course

The SLII Virtual course is five two-hour live instructor-led virtual sessions* spread out over several days. The virtual sessions offer learners an engaging experience that includes instruction, group activities, and opportunities to practice new skills.

  • LAUNCH—Participants frame their thinking prior to class with prework assignments and an assessment.
  • LEARN (Sessions 1 & 2)—Activities teach leaders the skills and language to lead situationally.
  • PRACTICE (Sessions 3, 4 & 5)—Leaders develop and practice their SLII vocabulary in activities based on personal work challenges.
  • APPLY—Tools and resources accessible to strengthen and sustain their skills in SLII.
  • *A condensed option with three 90-minute sessions is also available.
Collaborative Online Course

A blend of asynchronous learning and live weekly sessions led by Blanchard expert facilitators and moderators, the SLII® Collaborative Online Experiences allow participants to learn from their colleagues and practice skills in a safe setting. Cohort-based classes take place over 5 weeks and blend self-directed learning on a state-of-the-art platform that inspires interactivity with discussions, exercises, reflection, and offline assignments.

Online Program

SLII Online is an on-demand, self-paced course that introduces managers to the core concepts of SLII and provides conceptual practice; optional debriefs can be added for additional practice. The SLII Online program is a three-hour online course delivered in bite-sized modules ranging from one to 20 minutes, with optional debriefs that allow for collaboration and discussion for a blended learning experience. Includes interactive exercises: fun, engaging activities include videos, games, stories, case studies, and online discussions.

Online Overview

SLII Overview is an on-demand, self-paced course that provides exposure to SLII and contains core content videos and the most important ideas. This 35-minute online overview offers exposure to the key concepts of SLII. Includes engaging micro-learning activities, videos, games, and worksheets.

SLII® Challenge Simulation

An immersive, simulation-centric experience on Advantexe designed to reinforce, practice, and apply the SLII framework. Participants follow a series of simulated conversations, choosing the best response in each situation. Scenarios are scored against the defined best practice behavior for that specific scenario; learners receive both qualitative and quantitative feedback to illustrate the consequences of their choices.

Digital Assets

Additionally, our Digital Assets are micro-learning videos, interactions, and tools that provide browsable tips and bits of knowledge for just-in-time help.

Digital Assets include flexible micro-activities — videos, interactions, and worksheets — that leaders can access in moments of need to support ongoing learning, performance support, reinforcement, and custom learning journeys.

Great leaders build meaningful connections

Great leaders give their people what they need, when they need it. That means having authentic conversations that empower. Caring about their growth. Being their champion. Seeing their promise.

Leading situationally is a dramatic departure from management styles of the past. And it’s an approach that produces dramatically better returns than other management styles.

of leaders use only one leadership style, regardless of the situation.


of the time, leaders are using the wrong leadership style to meet the needs of their people.1

1 Blanchard internal data.

Give your leaders the tools to inspire and accelerate performance

The pace of change today is so disruptive that visionary leadership is a requirement. Managers need a leadership training program that helps them be agile, lead situationally, and empower their people to succeed.

Research Driven

SLII is based on 30+ years of research on leadership and work passion, incorporates the latest advances in neuroscience, and has evolved with the changing workplace.

Proven Results

Over 10,000 companies have used SLII to improve productivity, reduce turnover, and increase sales and profits.

Creates Inspiring Leaders

SLII satisfies the brain’s need for competence, autonomy, and relatedness, creating a safe workplace where employees are free to problem-solve, innovate, and collaborate.

Universally Effective

SLII works for leaders globally regardless of industry, language, or job function. SLII teaches leaders to give their people the right direction or support at the right time.

SLII Enables Leaders To Build Deeper Relationships

With more inspired leaders, morale and engagement will improve, team members will feel supported, employees will become more creative problem solvers, and company productivity will increase.

Accelerate Development

SLII helps managers accelerate the development of their direct reports, from enthusiastic beginners to self-reliant achievers.

Speak a Common Language

Empowered self leaders are more engaged and committed, consistently working hard and increasing performance across your organization.

Improve Retention

Leaders who match their style to the needs of their people improve morale, commitment, and engagement. Who would leave a job like that?

Unlock Creativity

Research shows that employees who feel supported by their manager are far more engaged—and that is the foundation of innovation.

Ready to Get Started?

SLII® can be delivered face-to-face, virtually, online, or as a combination of learning modalities. Contact us today to learn more about how you can use SLII to empower your leaders to build meaningful connections that drive exponential impact.

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Are You a Directive or Supportive Leader

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The Power of SLII–A Situational Approach to Leading People

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Taking a Situational Approach to Management

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3 Performance Conversation Skills All Leaders Need to Master

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